This exterior wood refinish project in Northeast Portland is a great example of restoring a natural wood accent on a modern-era home. The old finish was likely a low-grade exterior polyurethane that was applied at the time of construction. It had little UV protection and was failing as a home exterior. We used HEPA vacuum sanders for reduced debris and easier clean-up after the sanding removed the old finish and prepared it for the new. We will return as soon as weather allows to do detail sanding and cleaning, and to apply a new penetrating oil finish. The advantage of using a penetrating finish in this situation is that the finish will be absorbed by the wood and protect it from within. With proper cleaning and maintenance coats, this beautiful natural wood exterior will not require the extensive sanding in the future. If you have natural wood that needs protection from the elements, Sundeleaf can do that and restore its original beauty as well.

Tags: exterior paintingPrep